The primary live-action movie adaptation of Yasuhisa Hara‘S Kingdom manga aired on NTV on Friday, June 28 at 9:00 PM and obtained a score of seven.8%.

The debut episode of the brand new live-action sequence from Osamu Tezuka‘S Black Jack manga airs on Sunday June thirtieth at 9pm on TV Asahi and obtained a score of 10.3%.

The ultimate episode of the live-action sequence adaptation of Kana Ozawa‘S Blue Second manga that aired on Fuji TV on Wednesday, June 26 at 10:00 PM a score of 6.3%.

The above scores are an estimate of the proportion of the inhabitants that watches a given program, primarily based on information from a family survey within the Kanto area of Japan. The scores don’t embody recordings that viewers watch later.

Supply: Video Analysis (Kanto area)