The debut episode of the live-action collection of Satoru Hiura‘S Saionji-san wa Kaji o Shinai (No housekeeping for Mrs. Saionji) manga aired on TBS on Tuesday, July 9 at 10:00 PM and acquired a ranking of seven.3%.
The third live-action movie adaptation of Yasuhisa Hara‘S Kingdom manga aired on NTV on Friday, July 12 at 9:00 PM and acquired a ranking of 9.3%.
The primary half of the 2023 anime movie Soreike! Anpanman Roboly to Pokapoka Present broadcast on NTV on Friday, July 12 at 10:55 AM and acquired a ranking of 1.2%.
The above scores are an estimate of the proportion of the inhabitants that watches a given program, primarily based on knowledge from a family survey within the Kanto area of Japan. The scores don’t embody recordings that viewers watch later.
Supply: Video Analysis (Kanto area)