One of many groundbreaking animated sequence from the Eighties is Transformers. Initially a car, no pun supposed, to push toymaker Takara’s transformable toys by Hasbrothe franchise has spawned almost 30 animated movies in Japan and the USA, seven live-action function movies (a few of which we would somewhat ignore), a number of video video games, and naturally, a visitor room filled with toys.

So it is no marvel that individuals are connecting with the sequence. And never simply any connection. One through which an individual will rename themselves after their characters. Sadly, a type of folks was lately arrested in Austin, Texas for, sarcastically, automobile theft.

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The FOX 7 Austin station reported on June 8 {that a} man named Optimus Prime (after the chief of the heroic Autobots from the Transformers franchise) was arrested for automobile theft in south Austin.

In his full reportFOX 7 Austin famous that 37-year-old Optimus Prime Blakely was arrested on suspicion of auto theft and “is charged with unauthorized use of a motorized vehicle.” A full video is on the market within the article describing the arrest.

This is not the primary time somebody has been named after the Autobot chief Transformers. Public radio station WNYC reported in 2009 about one Scott Edward Nall, a member of the US Military Nationwide Guard who served in a firefighting rescue unit in Iraq, who legally modified his identify to Optimus Prime.

Information of Optimus Prime Blakely’s arrest additionally reached Japan through a weblog to tell in regards to the. A Hachima Kikō poster joked (loosely translated): “He gathered allies.” X/Tweet consumer “Hakai Taitei Megatron” (Emperor of Destruction Megatron) personally exclaimed:

Folks of Earth, at present you could have woken as much as the reality!
Please take a more in-depth have a look at this and see why we Decepticons are generally compelled to behave badly!

Sure, the Autobots had been evil and the Decepticons had been righteous!!!

There is definitely one thing unusual about seeing a headline about Optimus Prime’s arrest, as the very first thing that involves thoughts, not less than for me, is the character’s first era design. However realizing that there are folks named after the Autobot, one thing like this needed to occur. And who is aware of, Optimus Prime may meet Blakely Ratchet, Bumblebee, Jetfire, Grimlock, and even Arcee whereas he awaits arraignment.

Sources: FOX 7 AustinFOX 7 Austin’s X/Tweet account, Deadline, WNYCHakai Taitei Megatron’s X/Tweet account by Hachima Kiko, Transformers PRsTweet account