Picture through Detective Conan: Hyakuman Doru no Michishirube anime movie web site

The Detective Conan: Hyakuman Doru no Michishirube (Case Closed: The Million Greenback Pentagram) movie, the twenty seventh movie within the Detective Conan franchise, has bought 9.77 million tickets and earned 14.01 billion yen (roughly $89.37 million) within the 45 days it was proven in Japan. The movie is now the highest-grossing movie within the US franchisehigher than final 12 months Detective Conan: Kurogane not a submarine (Iron Submarine) movie earned 13.83 billion yen (roughly $88.23 million in present conversions).

The movie premiered in Japan on April 12 and ranked No. 1 throughout its opening weekend, promoting 2,274,333 tickets and incomes 3,352,494,500 yen (roughly US$21.3 million in present conversions) in its first three days. The brand new movie additionally surpassed its opening weekend Detective Conan: Kurogane not a submarinemaking it the brand new greatest three-day opening for the franchise.

The movie is the second movie within the franchise to have earned 10 billion yen, however Case Closed: The Million Greenback Pentagram earned it two days quicker than Detective Conan: Kurogane not a submarine did. Detective Conan is now the primary Japanese animated movie franchise to have two consecutive movies surpass 10 billion yen in income in Japan.

The brand new movie additionally beat the most important opening weekend for a film in Japan to date this 12 months HAIKYU!! The dumpster battle.

TMS leisure describes the story of Case Closed: The Million Greenback Pentagram:

A message has been obtained from Child the Phantom Thief, that he’ll steal a Japanese sword belonging to the rich Onoe household in Hakodate, Hokkaido. Conan and Heiji Hattori, who occurred to be in Hakodate, are busy capturing Child. The Onoe Household collections are related to Toshizo Hijikata, a historic determine who died in Hakodate. Why does Child, who focuses on jewellery, go after a Japanese sword?

Coincidentally, Onoe’s household lawyer is discovered murdered within the warehouse district, apparently slaughtered by a Japanese sword. The suspect is an investor/arms supplier who is claimed to be on the lookout for the hidden treasure of the Onoe household.

The grandfather of the patriarch of the Onoe household was closely concerned within the navy trade throughout wartime, and was rumored to have hidden someplace in Hakodate a strong weapon that might “change the course of the warfare.” Is Child after that gun? In the meantime, Heiji tries to discover a good perspective to declare his love for Kazuha…

Within the north among the many cherry blossoms the thrilling seek for treasure begins!

AIKO performs the theme music of the movie “Sōshi Sōai” (Mutual Love).

Supply: Former Mainichi Shimbun internet