Netflix has launched an official teaser trailer for his or her upcoming Leviathan collection, set to launch in 2025. The anime, which options an epic rating, flying whales, and loads of easy CGI, is being created by Qubix (Star Wars: Visions) and Orange (Land of the Lustrous) that includes unique songs by Spirited Away’s Joe Hisaishi supported by a soundtrack of Toda and Kazuma Jinnouchi (Suzume) I can safely say that the manufacturing values ​​are spectacular general.

The movie relies on the 2009 ebook Leviathan by Scott Westerfeldwhich was the primary a part of a trilogy. In keeping with a message on the writer’s web siteNetflix is ​​dedicated to telling the story of your complete trilogy. Each the writer and illustrator of the ebook, Keith Thompson have been carefully concerned within the manufacturing.

In 1914, on the eve of battle, a fugitive prince and a disguised woman meet aboard a bioengineered airship, the HMS Leviathan, and alter the course of historical past.
