Hello there!

As you all know, I’ve been slowly disappearing from the anime blogosphere and have lastly had my longest break, which lasted six months. The explanation for that is primarily my pursuit of a bachelor’s diploma. Actuality is slowly catching up with me, so I needed to choose up my tempo and be critical about some issues concerning my future. The dearth of standard entry through the web can be the principle trigger.

Sufficient of my excuses. You’ll have seen that I’ve posted some content material on this weblog once more. Does this imply I am again for good? Sadly I’ve to vanish once more quickly. I am already in my final 12 months, so I’ve to go all out and luxuriate in it. I may even be attending a evaluate faculty proper afterward to organize for the CPA licensing examination. Evidently, I do not want any distractions throughout that point, so I could even take a break from my anime and manga time. In any case, I am aiming for the highest.

Except for posting my “apologies” and saying one other hiatus quickly, the explanation for this submit is nice… to reminisce concerning the previous me – the previous shiizumi – and my plans for the longer term.

shhhhhh~ I'm trying to concentrate

shhhhhh~ I am attempting to pay attention

So much has modified within the final (nearly) three years of running a blog. I have never checked my weblog shortly, so I re-read a few of my entry posts. And man, I could not imagine I used to be capable of write that one. I am undoubtedly not that good in terms of writing, I can not actually examine myself to different bloggers. However once I appeared on the earlier weblog posts, I used to be stunned at myself that I used to be capable of categorical these ideas and emotions earlier. As if I used to be studying the writings of others. I do not know if different bloggers had thought this manner earlier than, nevertheless it in some way stunned me.

To be trustworthy, I needed to get that again. I noticed that I had a lot ardour when it got here to running a blog earlier than, though I knew I used to be additionally holding again “one thing” in some way. However proper now I believe that is unattainable. Like I mentioned, I must concentrate on actuality quickly. This second home of mine should turn into empty once more.

I’ve additionally seen that I (often) do not reply to some feedback. Man, that was so dangerous of me, proper? In case you are studying this and you’re one among them, I sincerely apologize. I needed to see these acquainted faces on this weblog. However hey, I’ve to go to their blogs too! I’ll do this quickly.

time to think back

time to assume again

I’m very grateful to the brand new faces who adopted me. Each time a notification pops up on my cellphone about new followers, I really feel barely responsible – “Man, I gotta submit one thing…“Sure, I get that feeling. In fact, I am additionally grateful for the previous followers and lurkers (if there are any) on the market.

As soon as I get my CPA license, I’ll undoubtedly get again to running a blog. Not as a lot as earlier than, however I may undoubtedly submit new content material now and again. I will choose up these tasks that I ended engaged on once more:


… and different issues. However that will not be for an additional 12 months or so. I am additionally planning to go to Japan after the examination or in all probability early 2017. I am beginning to economize for that. I’ll use it as a reward for all my onerous work. And apart from, working for a trigger is not that dangerous in any case. Rattling, I am so excited.

Anyway, this submit has turn into too private, critical and non-anime associated. Kudos to those that have learn this far! Thanks for visiting. When you ever want something, begin a dialog on my Twitter account.

Within the meantime, you may anticipate extra posts from me within the coming days! Sure no!