We had the pleasure of talking to animator Starviz about their work! Starviz is the founder of the studio called SweetGamble Toons and shows called Killer Kiss, Serial Sirens, Extraterrestrial Extermination (EE), Vacay and PepperJack the Webtoon Series!

1. What initially inspired you to become a creator, and how has that inspiration evolved throughout your creative journey?

I’ve loved animation my whole life! Ever since I was a child I knew I wanted to be an animator, I always loved to draw. When I discovered you could draw digitally, it really changed me and the way I drew! When I was 17, I asked my parents for an iPad. I’ve always wanted one so I could actually learn animation digitally, and also just make some fun digital art! When I was surprised with an iPad on my 17th birthday, I cried, I was so incredibly grateful and couldn’t thank them enough! I spend weeks and months creating these fun, original characters and trying to perfect my art style! My main person I looked up to in animation was VivziePop! I loved her shows, how they moved, the style and I based my art style a bit around Vivs! But I was able to find mine and I am absolutely in love with my shows and my characters!

2.Can you share a specific moment or experience that sparked your passion for your current creative project?

When I was about 10, I had a BIG love for My Little Pony! I always told myself I would want to do something like this, so now that I’m 18, I keep telling myself I CAN do it! I can make something and be proud of it! I know little of me would freak out knowing that I’m now an animator and have amazing shows coming out!

3. What challenges have you encountered as an indie creator, and how have they shaped your approach to your work?

A big challenge with my shows is mainly their meaning. Killer Kiss focuses on abuse, which is a very sensitive subject, but me and my co-creator Hailey Null really wanted to show what it’s like and give these poor people a voice and If this horrible act is noticed, there will be also be an abuse hotline at the end of each episode. We thought this would be a great idea just in case. As for Serial Sirens, it focuses on addiction! How these three singers, who are basically sirens, can’t get enough of sucking human souls so they can be more powerful, I mean. This focuses on how addiction can really harm a person or even people! And with Extraterrestrial Extermination (EE) we went for kidnapping, the main character of this is just going about her business sitting on her deck, when this huge mothership takes her to this country where she now has to fight for her life, we really wanted that would like to show some of these terrible dangers in the world and how it can happen to anyone! PepperJack is about murder and how Jack misses his love and he has no idea where she’s gone, and Vacay is about just wanting to get away, but you can’t always trust what comes your way. These show stories will show how all these things happen in the world.

4. Are there any creators who have significantly influenced your style or approach? How do you integrate those influences into your own unique voice?

I’ve always enjoyed the art styles of Family Guy, Bob’s Burgers, as well as the Monster High 2D series and My Little Pony! These have always been a huge influence when I animate or create characters! As well as ViviziePop! That’s where I kind of got my art style from! I loved how clean and cool her shows looked!

5. How can you find the balance between staying true to your artistic vision and adapting to feedback from your audience or collaborators?

I like getting feedback from others! It makes me grow as a person and as a maker! When I get feedback I always take responsibility for it, for me it would help my show grow and prosper if it got feedback!

6. Can you remember a memorable success story or milestone in your indie creator journey that is a turning point for you?

Yes! When I put out a casting call for Killer Kiss last year, so many people wanted to participate! It was absolutely crazy! I couldn’t believe that so many amazing VAs had wanted to participate in my shows! I felt so honored and so happy to hear that from others!

7.What role do setbacks or failures play in your creative process, and how do you overcome them to keep moving forward?

I never want to stimulate myself too much! There have been a few times where something just isn’t right, but then I get a little frustrated and take a few days off from drawing to focus more on my health! Taking those few days off taught me that creativity is the key to animation! Once you’re up, take a few days to come back!

8. How do you manage your time and energy to maintain consistent creative output while juggling other aspects of life?

This one is a bit hard to answer, I’m quite a frantic mess to be honest! I have a full-time job and also make these shows in my spare time! It gets a little rough sometimes, and I get really tired to even draw, but I still challenge myself because I don’t want to abandon my little self and my beautiful cast! My cast is absolutely the best thing that has ever happened to me! They keep me on track and enjoy doing this!

9. Have you found any unexpected joys or rewards in the indie creator community, and how has this contributed to your overall experience?

Oh yes, definitely! One of them is going to comic con after the Killer Kiss pilot comes out in 2025! I’m so excited and can’t believe how far my shoe has come! Hailey and I are so excited and we pinch ourselves every day because we can’t believe this is our life now!

10.If you could give one piece of advice to aspiring creators, what would it be, based on the lessons you’ve learned yourself?

Do it! Just go for it and live your dream! I was bullied at school, had no friends, I thought I would be alone all my life and never meet anyone. After focusing on my dream and believing in myself, I’ve met such an amazing cast that I can honestly name, and seeing all these people excited about my show makes me so grateful! I’m so proud of myself for focusing on my dream and just jumping in and going for it! And so it should be!

11. What do you think of All Ages of Geek? What are some things we need to change/do? What do you like about our website?

I love your website! I love how you’re doing this for other indie creators! Thank you very much for letting me ask these questions! It was a dream of mine to do an interview! Thank you for making one of my dreams come true!

12. Goals for 2024?

My goal for 2024 is to release the first episode of PepperJack on Webtoon Canvas on March 23rd! As well as releasing the official Killer Kiss trailer at the end of 2024! Plus some extra special things I have in store! Thank you so much for supporting me and my dreams!